Hellpass leads us to the Gates of War

5 min readSep 29, 2023


Heavy metal and more direct from Greece!

“Gates of War” is the debut album of the Greek Hellpass, which emerged last year. About this new album and other details of the band Alexander, drummer of the band tells us. By Alejandro Pérez

Hi Hellpass! How are you? It’s a pleasure to interview you. I understand that the band is a recent creation.

Hello! I’m Alexander and I am the drummer of Hellpass. First of all, we would like to thank you for this interview and for the opportunity you are giving us for a wider audience to get to know us better.

Can you tell us how and when the band came about? Who are the current members?

In June 2022, having met Aggelos (guitar) we made the decision to form Hellpass because Aggelos and I share the same love for extreme sound and the desire to dedicate our lives to it. So, it is definitely a dream that came true and not just a jam.

This is how Hellpass came about and shortly after their establishment, Vassilis joined the band. We started as a three-piece and within a few months we had our first album called “Gates of War” and in the late summer of ’22 we entered the recording studio. In the meantime, we were looking for a bass player so Vassilis could focus more on vocals. At the beginning of autumn 2022, Nikos joined the band and started learning our songs and coming to our rehearsals. Since then we have released several video clips. The latest is the self-titled track of our first record “Gates of War” which you can find on our YouTube channel (https://linktr.ee/hellpass).

We have also performed many live performances in many urban centers of the country (Thessaloniki, Athens, Volos, Larisa, Crete) and in November we have planned a tour with Arallu and our brothers from Athens, Among Ruins, in three countries in Eastern Europe.

Do they have experience from previous projects?

To answer the last part of this question, yes, all of us have experience with other bands.

Last February you released your first album titled “Gates of War” and I must say that I enjoyed it very much, as you can appreciate the mixture of heavy metal with other styles such as melodic, etc. What musical influences were essential to define the band’s musical style?

Thank you for your kind words, we really appreciate it. We love the whole spectrum of metal music. I will only write three albums as an indication.

Savatage — The Hall of the Mountain King

Mötley Crüe — Dr. Feelgood

Candlemass — Epicus Doomicus Metallicus

But we do not confine ourselves to only this kind of bands. We generally live ourselves free to compose whatever music we liκe.

Let’s go into more details. How was the editing and recording process of this album?

As far as the studio period is concerned, there’s nothing special to share. We just went in and recorded the whole thing.

How many songs does it include and what themes are included in its lyrics? Does it include any audiovisual material?

Our album includes nine songs and the lyrics are about the war in Ukraine, social decay and personal issues and we do have released four music videos on our YouTube channel which you can check out. More are coming, so stay tuned.

Regarding its promotion and diffusion. How have you promoted and made it known?

We promote our material through interviews like this one and the social media.

How has it been received by the public in each concert?

We recently played in Crete at Over the Wall festival, you can see photos of our performance there and clearly see that fans enjoy themselves beyond expectation.

How has been, up to now, the general reception of the album, both by the public and by the specialized press?

“Gates of War” has been well received by people all around the globe and by the press also. We are really happy that people enjoy listening to our music and those that come to our concerts bang their heads until the end

Where is it possible to obtain a copy of it?

You cannot obtain a physical copy of “Gates of War” because currently it’s a digital release. Anyone can buy it on band camp.

Regarding the band. What are the most immediate plans? Do you have already foreseen next dates of presentation?

We have already booked a tour. We have planned nine shows with the black metallers Arallu in Eastern Europe from November 11th to 19th and we are very excited to be doing it together with our brothers from Athens, Among Ruins.

These are all the dates:

11/11/23: FarářovaSluj, MladáBoleslav, CZ

12/11/23: BossBar, Poděbrady, CZ

13/11/23: RockleKlub, ČeskéBudějovice, CZ

14/11/23: Probaterem, Szentes, HU

15/11/23: Manufactura, Timişoara, RO

16/11/23: Death Covenant Festival, Cluj Napoca, RO

17/11/23: MC Clubhouse, Lugoj RO

18/11/23: Rock ’N’ Roll Center, Zalau, RO

19/11/23: Gekko Pub, Oradea, RO

Well Hellpass, that’s all. Thank you again for your time and wish you a lot of luck and success. Before we finish, something you would like to say.

It is equally important for musicians and fans to understand that bands, YouTube Channels, podcasts, radio station, venues, promoters, sound engineers, road crews etc. exist only because of, and to the degree of, the support that the fans show to the bands.

So, you, metalhead, who are reading this interview I kindly suggest that you subscribe to our YouTube Channel, follow Hellpass on Facebook and Instagram, listen to our music on Spotify, buy our music, if so desire, on band camp and also get your Hellshirt.

By doing these simple things one day you will be able to watch us perform your favorite Hellpass song live and have a great time banging your head with us.

Always remember: music is here to unite the human race and everything starts from you.

Follow the band at:





Written by MetalportusVenas-Cuba

Revista 100% cubana dedicada al rock!!!

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